Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Triangle Lake

The Triangle Lake, which contains of three lakes (Ranu Klakah, Ranu Bedali, Ranu Pakis). Those lakes are very popular in Lumajang and always visited by many tourists.They are three popular lakes which situated on triangle position : Ranu Klakah (Klakah Lake), Ranu Bedali (Bedali Lake) and Ranu Pakis (Pakis Lake) These lakes formed an attractive resort surrounded by beautiful mountainous scenery and the beauty of Mount Lamongan. They are located in northern Lumajang and are easily reached by public or private transportation. Visit these lakes with your family, friends, partner, or the others, because the lakes are very rich of nature scenery. These lakes also commonly visited by a lot of people who want to refresh their mind and take the fresh air.

1.  Ranu Klakah (Klakah Lake)

A light mist that enveloped the mountain peaks Lamongan down slowly replaced the warmth of the sun shining on the surface of Ranu Klakah . The cool surface of the lake located at an altitude of 900 masl ( meters above sea level ) is slowly rising as fishermen/fish farmers to rush down to the lake to feed the fish .
Ranu Klakah  which means lake is one of the 3 series of triangles Ranu which generally became the first tourist destination before heading Ranu Ranu Bedali and Ferns . This lake has a third location adjacent , Ranu Pakis taken about 10 minutes by motor vehicles and located Bedali Ranu of Ranu ± 6 km Klakah .Besides having a beautiful lake tour , Ranu Klakah a former prehistoric settlements still save heritage sites such as finding artifacts .

Findings historic objects around Ranu Klakah , Tegalrandu Village , District Klakah , actually the last 2006-2007 years , had been investigated by the Yogyakarta Archaeological Center , where the albino Yogja suspects around Ranu Klakah that an ancient settlement . This is evidenced by the findings of such artifacts , stone structure retrieval bracelet which has the characteristics of past megalithic stone pickaxe and punden fragments all of which are the remains of the pre- Hindu or prehistory . These remains , is one evidence of settlement or occupation Klakah Ranu region that lasted a long time  

2. Ranu Bedali (Bedali Lake) 

Ranubedali is still rarely unknown to the people or travelers. But the beauty is not inferior to other lakes in Lumajang like Ranu Kumbolo . Ranubedali is one of a series of Ranu Triangle , with a distance of 7 km from Ranu Pakis or 6 km from Ranu Klakah . Ranubedali located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level with an area of ​​25 hectares and a depth of about 28 meters . Although not well known , visited Ranubedali not too difficult . There is a guide that directs tourists to Ranubedali . If you do not see the board , do not hesitate to ask to local people around .
Arriving at the entrance , you can deposit a motorcycle or vehicle in homes . Ranu is a term for ' lake ' with a small size . Ranubedali located at the foot of Mount Lamongan , 1,671 meters above sea level .To Ranu Bedali , you will pass through the downing streets  and a swimming pool . There is also a windmill which is a legacy of the Dutch colonial period . Unfortunately windmills that had rotted and age. Here also there are two fairly large waterfall , but you have to pass through bushes . 10 minute walk from the pool , you can enjoy the beauty of  Ranubedali with green trees that surround it . What is special again , you can see one of the waterfalls on the edge Ranubedali

3. Ranu Pakis (Pakis Lake)
Approximately 10 minutes with two-wheel drive or four wheel  to Ranu Pakis, if we start from a tourist visit Ranu Klakah. This lake is a tourist attraction in the village of Ranu Pakis with a distance of 20.5 km North side Lumajang city, has an altitude of 600 meters, above sea level with an area of ​​50 ha lake and depth of 26 m. Still against the background of Mount Lamongan and look more closely, as well as natural and pristine condition would be an attraction for nature lovers or travelers who need fresh air.

In addition to recreation can also enjoy fresh fish sold in simple stalls and can also be taken for souvenirs. Farmed fish is the aquatic system Ranu Pakis with floating cages, kind Mujaher, Nila.

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